-Nov 29, 2004

I'll be out of touch for the next few days, at least
until I get the comp set up in the new place. Any
e-mail will be on hold till then. Also the Oscar
Store will be shut, I will get the orders I have now out
the door tomorrow, but any new ones won't be shipped
until Friday at the earliest. Thanks for your
-Nov 22, 2004

Well 8 days left to moving day. Some small
progress on the Defender cab so that it will be
functional in the new room. A couple of new Mamey
award winners have been voted in. Christmas is
coming! And for those that asked, yep Jr is doing
quite well. I'm still trying to figure out who is
responsible for the red hair, but eh, I get to call him
the drunken Irishman because of it :) I tell you,
he gets mesmerized by the tv when the xbox is going.
I think he'll make a great games player!

-Nov 9, 2004

Adding yet again to hobbies and misc, I went and picked
up an Xbox today to celebrate the release of Halo 2.
I picked up the see-thru box just to be different.
So far my eyes are just killing me, so I am fairly sure
computer monitors are much easier on your eyes than
TV's. Gaa, it would be awful if I can't do 20 hour
game marathons on the tv any more. Still, this is
my first real console since the atari 2600, and as such
I'm enjoying it quite a bit. We're getting the PS2
for the kids for Christmas, so I guess we'll have the
best of all worlds! Now I just need to somehow
free up more time to play this damn thing...
-Oct 29, 2004

There may be no end to my crazy hobbies. I ordered
a 125 gallon reef tank for my diningroom
yesterday. My wife wants it in the new arcade
room, but hell that would make less room. I figure
if I just put it in the dining room and fill it with
water, what's she going to do, move it? Again, not
arcade related news, but I feel bad when I don't post
anything here, even if it is just filler!
Small Update
-Oct 25, 2004

Picked up the computer board today to finally get my
defender machine up and running. Kinda want it
done before the move. Another working Jamma cab
showed up today too, that's three extra cabs sitting in
the garage...which argh means a total of 7 cabs and one
pinball to haul around on moving day :( Ah well,
I'm sure the moving company won't mind... In other
news... I've got the order sitting on my desk for the
system for the Golden Axe cabinet. I'm debating
whether to put the machine together now (it's so close)
or wait till after the move. On one hand it would
be more likely to get broken during the move, but on the
other hand I don't think I'll have much time to work on
it after... decisions decisions. I need an
assistant!! Thanks to the regs who are sticking
with me during this "slow period of few updates".
I'll make it up to you, I'm sure. :)
USB's back
-Oct 13, 2004

Oscar USB interfaces should be arriving at the shop
today. Sorry for the delay to everyone awaiting
orders, they should be out by the end of the day.
New bar plans
-Oct 6, 2004

Been fiddling around with the layout in the basement of
the new house, and there is enough space to split a room
and make a nice 15X15 bar/arcade. Here is a rough
render of it. Completion date? Early 2006.

Things should pick up
-Oct 5, 2004

Okay, back in the saddle a bit. Two tentative
projects are in the design phase, and one other one is
in the early-early stage. Another empty cabinet
showed up yesterday, so now I have two of them out in
the garage. I'm currently working on plans for my
new bar/arcade, which will be able to hold only 3 vids 1
pin, a couple of slot machines and a sweet poker table.
I've started snooping around for a glass front
commercial bar fridge, instead of putting in a tap.
Tough part is going to be getting the wet bar
functioning. I'll post a mockup when I get a
moment free!
Still at it!
-Sept 22, 2004

Halifax was nice, thanks for asking :) Now I come
back to voice messages saying there is a couple of
cabinets to pick up for free! I'll have to see
what I end up with, but I -think- it's going to be a
cocktail and a countertop unit! What fun! In
the meantime I started working on my new pin. I
ordered new rubbers for the playfield, and started
cleaning everything. It works well except for the
knocker (which is missing), the saw motor (which is
burned out I'm sure) and the outhole coil, which is my
last big fix before I am ready to put it into play.
If anyone has more tips on fixing one wonky coil, feel
free to drop me a line, as I'd hate to wreck something
else while trying to debug! Oh and here's some
pics of the new beast:
as you can see it is a bit
dirty, but damn is it fun (even with the bad coil
Back in a bit
-Sept 12, 2004

Well off to sunny Halifax for a week, I won't be able to
respond to e-mails until then. I should get there
just in time for that damn hurricane to slide up the
coast and blast me off the map.
Slowly gettin back into it
-Sept 11, 2004

Holy f*ck it's the middle of September already!!!
A nice new pinball game shows up tomorrow, and I've
started plans for the new bar/arcade. I did a few
more updates to the Defender cab, just to get it
finished. I'll probably start putting some effort
back into the Golden axe cab, since It's depressing
seeing it sitting there without the monitor, so there is
going to be some updates soon.
Still here
-Aug 27, 2004

Again, not much to report, sorry. I got another
house, but have been busy trying to sell mine so that
I'm not stuck with 3 mortgages, so that's what's been
taking my attention. Hard to tear apart a monster
cabinet with tools and whatnot all over when you are
showing people the house! I'll start messing it up
when it sells, oooh and then the new house has a juicy
double garage that will make a niiiice workshop (well
the part that doesn't have my wife's van parked in
Oh and Brett, buy MY house, it's nice... gets you back
into a civilized city and out of hickville! I know
someone who could help you sell yours! :)
Still here
-Aug 17, 2004

Sorry guys, very little to report on the arcade front.
Real life is taking a toll on me, I don't have time,
energy or willpower to finish up the last cab, much less
start the next one. I am hoping that things will
somewhat slow down so that I can get a couple more cabs
done. In the meantime I'll just settle for going
to the Judas Priest concert tomorrow, how 80's is that??
I'm also still trying to get the new house, so bear with
me through this quiet time. No worries, I'll be
itching to get back at it!
-Aug 5, 2004

Well we're trying to buy a new house... which kind of
explains my absence and lack of progress on cabinets.
It would be cool if we get this house, the main
entertainment area would have a full bar, pinball and
arcade games. It's been hell trying to get this
house, with lots of competition and shenanigans, but it
looks like we might get it. If so, you're all
invited to a hot tub party :)
Ebay rant
-July 27, 2004

I've done a lot of dealings on E-bay, and sooner or
later I'm bound to run into a twit or two. I sell
this perfectly good minidisc recorder to some guy.
He writes me saying it doesn't work and half-accuses me
of running a faulty auction. I ask him to read the
instructions and make sure he's running it properly
since it's a bit harder than downloading an mp3.
He assures me he's tried everything and demands a refund
plus money to ship it back. Okay, I oblige.
I get the unit back, hooked it back up and yup, it works
perfectly. But OH! he happened to forget to
return the blank discs! So I paid to have a guy
steal blank discs from me. Guess I'll put the unit
back into my stereo stack even though I don't use it any
more...:sigh: why can't people just RTFM!!!!!!
Okay, that's it for my rant. :)
Back to Business
-July 25, 2004

Aluminum Engraved knobs are back in stock for those of
you who e-mailed about them. I'm feeling better, but not
good enough to run a marathon :) Thanks for the
get well wishes I received today.
Ow ow ow
-July 23, 2004

Well, went for the big "V" operation today. Let me
say to you guys thinking of, or being pushed into doing
it, that they whole "it's one little cut, no big
deal"...is a huuuuuge lie. Lie lie lie lie lie lie
lie lie. I feel like I got socked with a bag of
doorknobs. I don't know why they lie about it, I
just know that they do. You know the end of "Breaveheart"?
That's all I could think of while it was going on.
Now I may wake up tomorrow morning feeling just fine,
but for tonight, they lied oh how they lied.
a proper cabinet note, I may have made a deal to build 4
more machines. I think if I do that, they will be
based on the mameroom plans (slightly altered). so
stay tuned, cuz I can't hobble around here forever, and
I'll be itchin to start cabin'.
-July 14, 2004

Chances are good that Beast Cab (aka Golden Axe
Ultimate) will be out the door soon. I took a bit
of time to shop it around and got quite a few bites, so
now I just have to figure out who will get it. The
new project that will be based on the UAII plans is
already sold for Christmas, so I'll have to start some
plans for that, and while I'm at that one I should
probably do up 2, since I can see those moving pretty
easy, plus I'm out of empty shells! I'm also doing
up a quick tutorial on how to
make your own cab mobility/leveller system.
-July 7, 2004

The jukebox got auctioned off last night at an ALS
charity event. Kinda makes you feel good when you
can help a worthwhile cause like that. (Check out
the jukebox page
here). Elsewhere I have started in on the
wiring for the beast cab, the mini-pac wiring harness is
just a tad short to do an extra-wide panel, so I'll be
splicing in some new wire tonight. Other than that
things are pretty quiet.
Still Goin!!
-June28, 2004

Howdy everyone! Still plenty happening over in the
cab section, I'm well into the "beast" cabinet now,
which has transformed into a Golden Axe 2 project, I've
just picked up a custom jukebox system that needs a bit
of tweaking before it goes out, and I will be starting a
"from plans" cabinet next. Oscar orders are brisk,
and everyone seems to be in a good mood. So all is
well in MMP land, for today.
Summer freezin!
-June19, 2004

Except for the fact that real estate is booming, and I'm
making money hand over fist, this summer sucks!
It's so cold out I could see my breath out there, and
that is just nuts! So I went out and got myself a
new floor standing drill press. Ahh, I feel better
already. This thing is a monster, but finally I
can do complete panels without having to resort to a
hand drill for some of the holes. (and hey, it's
got a laser pinpoint system!). Still cranking away
on Golden Axe, getting ready for the auction, hopefully
I can get it done on time!!
Summer be sizzling
-June 7, 2004

Added a few more pics to the tattoo section (thanks for
the new submissions guys!). I've been busy trying
to get my pool and yard in useable shape, so any cabinet
progress has been slow. I might be donating a cab
to a charity benefiting those suffering ALS. Seems
like a worthwhile cause, so keep tuned for updates.
If I do donate one, it will probably be the new Golden
Axe cab, since they want one for a July 7th charity golf
tournament. That puts the pressure on, but I think
I can pull it off. Oh and if you haven't tried
these yet, here's a nice way to kill an hour or so with
just you and your printer. Click
HERE. So for the latest activity, be sure to
sloop over to the
BEAST project! OH! and I finally reached 100,000
hits on the counter! Glad to think that I've
helped even half that number of people over the past
while, and I'm looking forward to still being here when
I hit 200,000!!!!!
Hot Diggity Dog
-June 3, 2004

Had a pinball machine that needed some work, but I
traded it to someone who was interested in going to the
effort of restoring it properly, so I ended up with a
new toy: A Williams Slugfest! The kids and I are
having a blast with it, however, I still have my sights
set on a real pinball game, so I'll probably sell this
one or trade it for a nice pin. It makes me wish I
had a bigger game room area! Gaa, I gotta move!
Oh, and the Oscar store is back up and running (thanks
Garrett!). That's what I get for using a hotmail
account for business!! Sorry about the momentary

Troubles Continue
-May 18, 2004

Note to anyone trying to get in touch with me: The
mameworld e-mail looks like it's finally
gone tits up, so if you have me in your bookmarks with
the mameworld addy, update it to the new one listed down
a few posts.
Congrats go out to my buddy Dean and his new pride and
joy. Baby arrived a couple of nights ago and is
doing fine! Happy birthday!!!!
And speaking of proud pappys,
here is little Zakk, much recovered from his early close

-May 13, 2004

Artwork for the cabin cab is
at the printers and I've done most of the internal
wiring (power switch etc). Aardware is hand
delivering the computer components they recommended this
evening. We've decided to add pinball buttons to
the cab, as I have finally taken the effort to figure
out vpinball and pinmame...it's a lot of fun! Hats
off to edgedamage who is helping me out finding tables
for it.
And in other news, my shiny
new copy of
Project Arcade showed up today! It's a killer
book, if you are thinking of making one of these cabs
and want a bit of a hand doing it, don't hesitate to buy
it! New york time's bestseller list for sure

Sights to See
-May 11, 2004

Welcome to yet another flood
of RGVAC sightseers. It's been a while since the
last time, but even though I will again assure you that
almost every conversion I do on these cabinets can be
undone (yes even the ugly panel on the Gravitar), I'm
sure some of you will be...difficult. Just know
that I am a fan of the original games (check out the
defender restoration), and I do my best to use old
generic cabs, or build my own. Anyway, I hope some
of you enjoy your stay anyway, as all are welcome :)
If it makes you feel better,
the wood on one side of the control panel of the
gravitar was demolished when I got it, and the damn
thing was rotting to pieces in the oh-so-perfect safety
of a wet windy chicken barn (true story).
Hangin out.
-May 7, 2004

I'm still around and making
updates, just keep watching cabin cab and 'the beast' in
the cabinet section. I've been going crazy here
setting up a nice welding station for myself. I've
been looking for excuses to weld anything to anything.
Oh! and don't forget to get a copy of John St.
Clair's new book, I think you might like it, check out
the website
E-mail trouble
-May 1, 2004

I got tired of waiting for
mameworld to fix the e-mail trouble, so I redirected the
main mail link to the mmp e-mail, and voom the e-mail
started back up! I thought you guys didn't care
anymore ;) seriously, I went from 5-10 e-mails per
day directly related to mame cabs to 1 every 2-3 days!
So to anyone who didn't get a reply from me in the past
while, please shoot me another message, as I DO try to
reply to all my e-mail as soon as time allows.
I might do a quick how-to of
welding... just the quick tips, since it has become such
a lifesaver for me... any time I need a custom bracket
or harness, I just weld one up and go! Also, I did
my first plexiglass top with a router instead of saw,
knife and drill, and it worked awesome! Thanks go
out to Kelsey at Oscar controls for giving me the
incentive to try both the welder and the router in that
manner... too cool.
As we surf into a new summer
here, I look forward to a lovely few months of
construction in the shop, with my newfound skills that I
hope to share with you all. Game on!
E-mail trouble
-April 25, 2004

Ive been getting calls and
messages from people saying that I am not returning
their e-mail. Seems as though there is a problem
with the mameworld e-mail server or something, since
I've heard this from 5 people so far. (perhaps
more since I might not be getting their mails!).
Anyway, if you e-mailed me and haven't heard back, try
Gets yerself spinnin
-April 17, 2004

New shipment in from Oscar,
so just reminding you to
get that Oscar Spinner today! Lots of tempest
style, engraved or natural knobs, and extras!!

Invaders mame is gone, off
to a happy home. I'm starting to work on the
graphics for my new cocktail project, so that it can
move along.
Some Stuff Gets Done!
-April 14, 2004

Space Invaders Mame is done,
and ready to go out on the weekend. Cabin Cab is
next to be completed, and has some good progress.
Not much else happening around here except a new release
of mame. Although there is noise in the air of a
new project order. If not I might finally get to
work on "The Beast".
Sights to See
-April 3, 2004

Some good progress on the SI
and the cabin cab, I've been trying to work equally on
both. The SI is closer to completion since it was
already a finished cab (of course). And if you're
looking for an interesting read on how one controller
company in the sc33n3 deals with irate customers,
check out this thread on BYOAC (do it before it gets
clipped or deleted) :) Check out some of the info
on the site there if you haven't visited before.
-Mar28, 2004

I ordered a few oddball
items from some of the guys at BYOAC. First, to
follow up on the awesome black player buttons, I grabbed
a bunch of round key barrel locks off of Peale.
These things are just so much more "coin op" than
regular key locks (at least to me). If you are
interested in getting some for yourself, contact Peale
through BYOAC or drop me a line.
Second, I got a couple of
token mechs, along with a few hundred tokens. I
figure that way I can just keep a dish of tokens for
playing games, and I won't borrow out of it to feed the
parking meters :) Why do I buy these things? I
just DON'T KNOW!
-Mar23, 2004

There are updated pics of
the cabin cab up. It's coming along pretty damn
nicely. Just waiting on the t-molding now.
Should be some new pics of the Space Invader cab up soon
too. New spinner knobs (black anodized) are
available in the Oscar Store. Did my first bit o'
welding today. Man, I suck. Well, the pieces stuck
together so maybe I don't suck that much, but it wasn't
pretty... Fire is goooood though :) Oh, here's a
pic of the two current projects... find more details in
CAB section.

So It Continues
-Mar17, 2004

Yet another cabinet is about
to get the MMP treatment. The Space Invaders cab
is coming in from storage and work will begin shortly.
This one has to be done fairly quickly, so I will work
on it at the same time as the Cabin' Cab, and my own
project will have to go on the back burner. Ah
well, the new owner of the SI cab is a bit of a
collector, so the project will have a good home, and I
know he won't be painting the sides with a black roller
any time soon.
-Mar13, 2004

Went out and got myself a
new toy. There has been enough instances around
here where it would have saved me countless hours to
have been able to fabricate my own mounts, slings,
panels etc. Soooo I went out and got a self feed
wire welder. I think I'll spend a bit of time
alone now getting acquainted with this new fella :)
Saga ends
-Mar12, 2004

Thank you to everyone that
wrote during the past week. We finally have Zakk
Jr home with us, and it's the best feeling in the world.
His sisters are as thrilled as we are to have him home,
and it's great to be able to hold the little guy
whenever I can. After what he's been through the
past week, he doesn't even cry anymore... he just looks
at us like "what are you going to jab me with now?".
He's battle-scarred like crazy, tract marks and bruises
all over him...argh so hard not to feel guilty or
helpless... Looks like it turned out for the best
though, so it might be business as usual around here
from now on. Zakk Jr is headed for hockey school
and Zakk Sr is headed for the snippage surgery.
After a run-in like that, I'm going to count my
blessings and have my pet spade or neutered :) God
bless everyone on this day...our heartfelt thanks.
Star Wars fun
-Mar 9, 2004

For you guys that have a
nice 'bought' copy of Battlefield 1942 lying around,
there's a new mod to breathe some new life into it.
Check out
Galactic Conquest. New maps are released this
Friday, so it's a good grab! I've been marching
around Hoth in an AT ST to take my mind off things, not
the perfect solution to dealing with personal strife,
but not a bad one either!
The Edge
-Mar 8, 2004

Just saw a new webpage with
a coolio hack for the old atari 2600 wico trackball.
It might be an economical solution for some of you out
there, hell I have one sitting in the closet too!
it out.
New Mame
-Mar 07, 2004

Mame ver .80 released...most
notable is the inclusion of sound in armor attack!
That's good news, I've been waiting for that for a
Much appreciated
-Mar 06, 2004

Thank you very much for all
the e-mails! Very much appreciated! Little
Zakk is in intensive care, so it's been taking all our
time and thought...I'll try and get back to everyone
personally soon.
It's a boy!!
-Mar 04, 2004

Thanks for the e-mails and
well wishes! Zakk jr was born at 2 am-ish on Mar
4. I almost couldn't ask for a better day. Yeah, I know
it's not mame related, but I'm going to blather on about
it anyway. He's a bit premature and not breathing well,
so he might end up in intensive care, instead of coming
home tomorrow, so we could use all the prayers you guys
can give.

New Project Extreme!
-Mar 02, 2004

Looks like they're going to
induce my wife tomorrow, so hopefully by this time
tomorrow evening, I'll be a proud dad (again!). If
all goes well Zakk Michael (just call him
junior!) will be standing at the ole mame cab going
"I can't believe you used to play these lousy games!"
Or maybe he'll have some appreciation for the old
classics...we'll see.
Definitely Dat
-Feb 29, 2004

February draws to a close
with a new Mamey winner! Check out this
killer cocktail! We're also coming up on 100,000
visitors here! I checked my e-mail stats and I am
averaging 18 e-mails a day from you crazy mamers!!!
I'm actually getting more real e-mail to the mameworld
account than I'm getting spammed in my hotmail account,
and that's pretty impressive! I'm glad so many of
you find the site useful, and hopefully it will be
around for a few years yet for those that have yet to
find mame! (Is there anyone left that hasn't??) Greets
go out to Damian, Brent, Craig and Steve, oh and of
course Dean.
One last thing, if you're
looking for a chuckle, check out this new
mame cab you can buy.

Oh and did I mention
that it's only $650 plus shipping without the computer
and that the guy selling them will tell you to go f*ck
yourself if you tell him it's silly? Enjoy!
(Edit: oh it looks like he's brought the price down to
only $500!! Reminds me of the good ole
days of the Romboxx! ...and no, I'm not the one who told
him it's silly)
Dis and Dat
-Feb 26, 2004

Progress has been made on
the cocktail cab, I'm still working out the dimensions
for the thing, but the control panel is planned out and
cut to shape. Oh, and I found the keys that got
sucked into the snowblower a couple of months ago, so
today has been a good day! I sold the stern
warning cab to a new cabber, just to make some room in
the garage. Too bad, I liked the look of that cab.
-Feb 24, 2004

I think I ordered these
parts about 4 days ago, and here they are! My fist
look at the mini-pac-opti. First impressions:
"Holy sh*t, this thing is the size of a soda cracker, I
paid HOW much for it???" Lasting impressions:
"Man, this thing could be the greatest godsend to us
repetitive-cab builders". I like it quite a bit,
It comes with the wiring and everything....plus
everything on one tiny little board! Oh and I got
one of their trackballs while I was at it, since I'm
trying to make the panel on the cocktail as compact as
possible. Here are pics of the items, yet to say
just how easy it is to figure out WHERE all the wires go
Road trip!
-Feb 22, 2004

Got myself a nice
Golden Axe
cabinet yesterday, thanks to edgedamage and his buddy.
His buddy is a mame converter hater, but a really good
guy and we were able to put our differences aside long
enough to check out his collection of cabs and boards
and parts. Overall an excellent roadtrip!
Zelda is in the hands of her happy owner, and I have a
new cab to play with. Now to get it out of the
truck! (grumble grumble).
New Project!
-Feb 14, 2004

Just got an order in for a
new project, it'll be a cocktail cabinet (finally!).
A side by side model based loosely on Midway cab
dimensions. Check it out
Vortex be back!
-Feb 10, 2004

Vortex spinners are back in
stock here. These have been selling out faster
than we can get them in so get your order in now!
In other news, I swung a deal for a new Golden Axe
cabinet that I should be getting soon. Lots and
lots of e-mail coming in...I can hardly tell that
everyone is stuck indoors making cabinets!!!
Added: Here is a pic of the new vortex with the new
machined aluminum flywheel, shown with three of the
optional spinner knobs.

Galaga Lives!
-Feb 3, 2004

Finished the Galaga mini.
Went very well, check it out in the cabinet section to
see how it turned out. Also, anyone in the San
Francisco Bay area that has built a cab and wants to
maybe be on tv, drop me an e-mail in the next day or so
and we'll see about making you famous! :) Also,
the Oscar replenishment order is on the way, so we'll
have stock for you crazy Canuk mamers. Thanks to
everyone who has e-mailed lately, I'm trying to get back
to everyone, but it must be that time of year when
everyone gets locked in and starts on that project, so I
haven't forgotten about you, I'm just working my way
though them!
Special Request
-Jan 26, 2004

Got a request to save the
life of an ailing Galaga cabaret machine today.
Looks like we'll be putting a supercharged engine in
this non working husk. I might be picking it up
tomorrow, since it's a rush job, so this one might be a
quick one!
Still Tickin
-Jan 22, 2004

Okay, bathroom project is
almost done, at least for now. Sold an empty cab
to a friend this evening, so it looks like I am next
going to start either the stern warning cab or some work
on the space invaders. Stay tuned!
-Jan 16, 2004

I'm itching to start the
next project, however I just picked up a pile of parts
to re-do my bathroom, so there prolly won't be any new
developments for a week or so while I install the new
tub and tile. Plus it gives me time to figure out
which cab I want to do next out of the bunch in the
garage. Ah, decisions decisions...maybe should
leave it to a vote ;)
Zelda mame Finished!!
-Jan 9 , 2004

Well, it was a long haul,
but I can honestly say the new owner will not be
disappointed with his new cab. Check out how it
turned out
here. Now when am I going to become the Jesse
James of radical cab building? Hey Discovery
Channel guys! I'm ready for my audition!
Jukebox 8 finally!
-Jan 5 , 2004

've been waiting for this
puppy for a while, and here it is! Check it out
New Stuff
-Jan 2, 2004

Happy New Year to everyone!
Lots of mail happening right now for some reason, and as
usual I'm taking forever getting back to everyone.
I'm funny that way. We DO have a new Mamey winner,
so be sure to cruise over there, and if you check out
the special winter edition of Maximum PC, there is an
article about building mame cabs...here's a snippet
about our Oscar Vortex spinners!

Also, Ultimarc has a killer
new product on the shelves...an all in one card!
Spinner, trackball, joysticks and buttons on one board,
and it's reasonably priced! Check out the
Looks like there is much to come this year!
-Dec 30, 2003

Zelda mame is turning out to
be a real challenge! I've never wired so many
controls on one board before. Should give me
something to work on for New Year's Eve :)
24, 2003

Merry Christmas to everyone!
As soon as Christmas is over, you've had the turkey
dinner, and you're hopped up on rum, you'd better be
hard at work making that Mamey-worthy cabinet!
Check out those boxing day sales and get those last
parts you need!
Spinner Shortage!
-Dec 22, 2003

A huge rush of orders for
Christmas has left the shelves bare! I'll be
restocking shortly, but not before the new year.
Hope everyone has fun with the spinners they get, it's
just such a perfect way to enjoy a quiet winter evening,
with a nasty game of Arkanoid!
Let there be light!
-Dec 16, 2003

I received a few few "Laser
LED" lights in the mail today...these things are
awesome. They are superbright LED cannons.
They come on a little plastic swivel mount, with double
sided tape and they plug right into the HD plugs on your
PC. Used mostly for case modding, they just happen
to work perfectly for lighting up a trackball!
Watch the Zelda cab section for details on the install
of these puppies. I "pulled a Zakk" on the control
panel, and yet again cracked my plexi on the very last
hole. If you have seen it, you can figure out why
it's got me fuming. So at least one thing worked
out well today, since these little lights save me a fair
bit of work when it comes to lighting the translucent
ball! Here's a pic of the unit:

Slave Labor
-Dec 14, 2003

Getting closer to Christmas,
and I find myself working constantly on Zeldamame.
Turning out to be a very challenging project. The phrase
"Most holes ever drilled in plexi" keeps coming to mind.
The wiring will be a job in itself, and it will be a
miracle if the config works first time out, considering
there will be 7 joysticks and 4 rotary devices on this
one panel(!). Ah well, maybe I'll be surprised and
it will come together perfectly first time. Check out
the progress
-Dec 08, 2003

Hey, if you're having trouble
getting that marquee light going in that classic cab, just
consider junking it (not the cab) and buying a new unit from Home Depot.
This actually came up twice lately, where it just never
occurred to people to just replace the light with a new
self-contained piece. They are $9.99 here, and can
simply plug into the power bar that you have your computer
running from, and makes it easy to get bulbs and whatnot.
Zakk be back
-Dec 07, 2003

Okay, made a bit of cashola
lately, so I can kinda relax a bit. I bought a Space
Invaders cab off of my good friend Geoff today, and in a
related article,
here, Taito has announced plans to re-release space
invaders. Cool! Greets to all my dedicated
fans (?) and sorry I don't write here enough. If you
want the latest, always check out the cab section, I tend
to post there with whatever updates I have. Zelda
mame is the latest flavour of the month, so that's where I
am. I'm far from gone, and while I've got a few
mails from you guys worried I'm leaving the biz, I think I
was a bit misunderstood: I want to slow the output
of Zakk cabs, not get out of the business. No
worries, I'm here till I get tired of video games, and I
think that could be a while yet to come. Greets out to
Jerry, Mike, Christine, Geoff, Chris, Dean and of course
Jay. Yeah, you guys make it worth keeping this page
Go look
-Nov 22, 2003

Here's a project by a new Mame
fan. Check out his new creation
here! I'm trying to wind down my cab creating
pursuits, as I find I'm taking too long getting cabinets
ready for clients. I plan to finish up Zelda mame,
then build one for myself, then one last one to sell off
when it's done, however long that takes. Everyone
has been very understanding, but I used to have plenty of
free time in the evening to work on these, but lately the
pager goes off right when I get started into something,
and ruins my concentration. Lets see if my no more
tours tour lasts :)
Oh so Much of an Update be Due
-Nov 13, 2003

Okay, I have a bunch of
submissions to add to the examples page, as soon as I get
the correct web software installed. I suppose I
should get out of lazy mode and do that right now. I
did manage to get Virtua delivered and running.
Looked good in its new home. Zelda Arcade is coming
along, and I even started a bit on Tack cab. Check
it all out in the
Cab section! Also bought a new Ford Escape SUV
to help me move these thingies around. Doesn't fit
the damn things very well, but I sure love being one of
those asshole SUV drivers. It's great, I don't have
to signal when I change lanes, I can slam on the brake
every time I see a coffee shop, and I can park taking up 5
spaces...awesome! :) Oh, and as a followup to my
posting of mid summer, I DID get my mustang painted and,
well, sold off...here's a couple of before and after pics:

Quote from the King
-Oct 29, 2003

Submitted Virtua Mame cab to
the blessed archives over at build your own arcade
controls, and got a bit of kudos, which of course I will
shamelessly repost here:
saint's note: I
believe this officially, if there was ever any doubt, puts
Zakk over the top for the most cabinets of all . . .Though
MrArcade might have a thing or two to say about that :)
That does it, the gloves are
off, and MrArcade and I are in the ring! In the
meantime go check out how the cab turned out
here. Thanks saint!
25 Signs
You've "grown up"
-Oct 28, 2003

1. Your potted plants are
alive. And you can't smoke a one of them.
2. Having sex in a twin-sized bed is absurd.
3. You keep more food than beer in the fridge.
4. 6:00 AM is when you get up, not when you go to sleep.
5. You hear your favorite song on an elevator.
6. You carry an umbrella. You watch the Weather Channel.
7. Your friends marry and divorce instead of hookup and
8. You go from 130 days of vacation time to 7.
9. Jeans and a sweater no longer qualify as 'dressed up.'
10. You're the one calling the police because those darn
kids next door don't know how to turn down the stereo.
11. Older relatives feel comfortable telling sex jokes
around you.
12. You don't know what time Taco Bell closes anymore.
13. Your car insurance goes down and your car payments go
14. You feed your dog Science Diet instead of McDonald's.
15. Sleeping on the couch makes your back hurt.
16. You no longer take naps from noon to 6 p.m.
17. Dinner and a movie = The whole date instead of the
beginning of one.
18. Eating a basket of chicken wings at 3 a.m. would
severely upset, rather than settle, your stomach.
19. You go to the drugstore for Ibuprofen and antacids,
not condoms and pregnancy test kits.
20. A $4.00 bottle of wine is no longer 'pretty good
21. You actually eat breakfast foods at breakfast time.
22. "I just can't drink the way I used to," replaces "I'm
never going to drink that much again."
23. Over 90% of the time you spend in front of a computer
is for real work.
24. You don't drink at home to save money before going to
a bar.
25. You read this entire list looking for one sign that
doesn't apply to you!
-Oct 20, 2003

Thanks to everyone who has been writing asking questions
about the screen setup. Is it better than mame on a
dedicated cab though? Sorry to say, no. Best
way to watch movies? F/N A!
And just a reminder, we're still your Canadian stop for
Oscar supplies!
Stop Yer Whinin
-Oct 16, 2003

Well I suppose the "get over it" e-mails were right on the
money :) Yeah, yeah, feeling a bit down the other
night it seems, but back in the swing of it today...Can't
be in a bad mood when you play Metal Slug on an 8 foot
screen!!! Check out some of the snaps! (Any
blurriness was from taking pictures in a dark room...
The Asteroids Deluxe was
definitely the best. The berzerk was a close second.
I think I would have liked the tempest a bit more if I had
a spinner control and not a keyboard for this test.
Ah well, can't have everything. Am I spoiled or
what? :)
Boo Hoo sucks to be me
-Oct 14, 2003

I haven't taken a vacation in over 10 years. I mean
taking a break from work for like one or two weeks.
Just can't do it. My choice I suppose...but lately,
I've been feeling a bit of the real life pushing on me
(thanks to jackoffs like Brian Wilson...fuck you brian).
Er, hem, anyways...anybody have a good vacation spot?
I mean, a kick your ass gonna blow your mind good place to
vacation? Visitors from all over the world
(literally) view this site for whatever reason, and I'm
sure at least one or two of you look out your window daily
and see paradise...tell me about it! Oh and of
course I'm partial to coconuts and sandy beaches, so let
me know the place to go, even if you don't live there.
Hell, I've never even been on an airplane, not once!
I just slave away making sure the family is secure and
well off. Tell me where to go (heh and not the usual
way I'm told where to go!). Anyway, that's a bit of
booze talking, but damn I need to get away. Ah well
off to bed with me, day 100 without a break tomorrow.
Gotta give up one of these jobs sooner or
Stuff and That stuff..too
-Oct 2, 2003

Good Progress on Virtua Cab, but no current pictures.
I lucked out yesterday and picked up an AMD barton 2500+
what was actually a downgraded 3200+ with a 400 FSB.
Cranked up the voltage on it a smidge and whoo hoo!
A $700 processor for $100!!! Still running fine,
temps all good, and I didn't even need to upgrade the ram.
Damn that's too cool. I thought it was a pretty good
deal when I picked up the chip, but then I looked at the
price of the 3200's. I mean, it's fast, but not $700
fast! Built the new comp for my office with that
cold cathode tube. I'll have some pics when and if I
ever get my new furniture delivered. How interesting
is an office? Not. What does it have to do
with mame? Nothing. What's that, shut up then?
I will have pics of Virtua once the artwork gets printed.
Back to your regularly scheduled program.
-Sept 25, 2003

Greets go out to Chris, who bought an empty cab off me
today, and is trying his hand at building his own.
I'll have pics of the completed cab if he gets it done.
Also, picked up a cold cathode light today, I'm thinking
of putting it into either my cocktail cab, or the new
computer for my office. I'm kinda in awe of the
light this puppy puts out...lookit that sweet glow:

Also got word that my
trackball will be shipped tomorrow for Virtua...good news!
-Sept 21, 2003

It's my girl's birthday today, so everyone wish Lindsay a
happy Birthday! It was the oldest one's Bday the
other day, but I didn't grab a snap of her, so I'll have
to add it in here later. My wife is on our fourth
(!!) child right now, and she's having a lot of problems,
in and out of the hospital with this one, so it makes you
sit back and appreciate the frailty of life a bit more...well
anyway, it makes a Birthday just that much more special
around here:

Happy birthday Lindsay and Amanda! (oh yeah, you can tell
she loved this gift).
-Sept 20, 2003

I really don't update this page enough, as I was just told
in e-mail. Can't argue with that, but as always,
look for current changes in the cabinet section, as that's
where I spend the free time I have. There has
also been a new Mamey category added, and a new Mamey
winner! Also, stay tuned for a pic of Mame playing
on my 8' screen! I'm serious about these damn things.
If I can convince just one person that it is the best way
to watch a movie, well then I've done a good job.
Here is a pic of my viewing room with the new 8 footer
installed. Compare it to the pic of the 5' screen a
few posts down. Nothing better than watching a
concert like this!!!

-Sept 7, 2003

Complete and disastrous Hard drive crash last Friday, I'm
just now getting back up and kinda running. Still no
graphic proggies installed, guess that should be next.
Man, it's when you have not backed up for the longest time
that you lose a hard drive. I lost e-mail and a lot
of web page updates, and addys and stuff like that, so if
you are waiting for a reply from me, send me another note,
as I might just have lost your msg. In the meantime,
Massive cab got delivered, Deano is done and awaiting
delivery, and Virtua and Zelda mame have been started.
My Mustang came back from the body shop and looks like a
million bucks, too bad I'm going to sell her. I
managed to get an 8 foot screen for my dvd projector, and
if you missed the posts below, be sure to consider one if
you are thinking about a large screen tv.
I've gone insane
-Aug 25, 2003

I went in to get a few computer parts for Deano mame,
and ended up buying a $200 case for my own pc. Whooo
she is purty though! Check out the Thermaltake Xaser

The case is almost all metal (mostly aluminum I would
guess), there's 7 fans with speed controls, top mounted
firewire and usb inputs, dual panel front acess, glowing
E-LED front light, side window, etc etc etc.
Oh and it's BIG, REAL BIG. I'd nominate it for one of the
best looking cases out there today. I love it.
Oscar Parts and E-mail
-Aug 25, 2003

All of the backordered parts are now in stock, and all
standing orders are now cleared and being sent out today.
Sorry for the short delay.
E-mail has been working intermittently at best, I think
I'm getting all the mail, but sending is taking up to 2
days to allow. Hopefully this is just a server
problem and will be worked out soon. Thanks for the
patience! (Now go buy a spinner! :) )
Dis Dat and da Udder
-Aug 20, 2003

I actually got a fair bit of mail on the projector screen
news, and I've moved up from projecting on a wall to a 5'
screen. I'm still trying to work the deal for an 8'
screen, but for now the 5 footer works. Here's some
pics of the screen pulled down in front of my 'real' tube

Now for everyone that I
haven't returned e-mail to, again it's just my lack of
free time. It's 12 midnight, and I still have 'real'
work to do, along with trying to cut a keyboard drawer and
get some wiring done. Then some sleep and up at 8
again to start all over, and tomorrow looks like a BUSY
day! :) Still greets go out to Greg Dean and Jimmy,
my loyal groupies that (almost) never yell at me for not
returning their e-mails in good time, but still send me
good e-mail tidbits on a regular basis...cheers guys!!!
Now for some real news, I am
getting a fair bit of e-mail about the Oscar products.
Would it be easier if I just have the products listed in
US funds?? There seems to be a bit of confusion about the
whole thing, with people thinking I'm charging US on those
prices as opposed to CAN funds. Seems silly to post
Canadian parts in US funds, but would that be a better
idea? If you have an opinion on it, let me know, as
it doesn't really make a difference to me, in fact it's
easier to just copy the prices from the main Oscar site,
instead of using a currency converter....let's hear what
you have to say on the matter!!
-Aug 17, 2003

Congratulations to my cousin who just had his first
baby girl, Lily-ann. She was born during the
blackout in New York, so it was an interesting experience
to hear about, but they're all doing fine! Cigars
for everyone, so smoke em if you got em!
shop is starting to look pretty busy. Dammit don't
you people know this is just a hobby? Sheesh :)
Here's a shot of some of the work going on:
and one of the 20" monitors waiting to be installed:

AND one shot of the new Vortex spinner next to my real
Tempest spinner:
Deano cab is nearing completion, so on to the next ones
Too much!
-Aug 11, 2003

The new
cabs arrived, and one of them is another painted over
Defender! Also the first shipment from Oscar
Controls showed up, so the
Oscar Store is officially online. Busy busy day!
(is that a word?)-April
20, 2003

mamemarquees.com has swiped most of the art off this site
and started selling it. Tsk Tsk. Save
yourself some money and have a marquee printed by a local
print shop. Much easier to ensure that what you get
is what you want. Check out the
showcase section for examples of great marquees people
have done themselves.

The movie is over for god's sake!!
Old old old (as far back as 2001) news deleted. If you read all the way to
this point, well hell I'm impressed beyond words.
Hope that after all that reading you found something
useful! Cheers to you fellow mame fanatic, know that
as I type this I am having a glass out of a $250 bottle of
Johnny Walker Blue in your honor (really!) Hope you
didn't want to read more, because the last couple of years
worth or drunken ramblings are gondo. Eh, you're not
missing anything. Go have a drink.